

Instrument for the Translation of Paleographic Memory

Assemblage with led lights, fiber optic cables and meter
17 x 36 x 18 inches
Collection of Mark van Gelder, formerly collection of Richard Garriott

LED lights in a rock refract through fiber optic lines back to the suitcase/ view screen. The ends of the fiber optic lines spread out, imbedded in clear acrylic to form a star-like matrix in the screen. Light patterns can be adjusted with controls in the suitcase apparatus. Inspired by the brain-like appearance of the rock itself, the work explores the absurd notion of extracting memories from a stone, as if this chunk could somehow store the history of a billion year existence.


Steve Brudnlak’s sinister suitcase machine seems to be giving shock treatment to a brain-sized stone, which is simultaneously being heated or cooked In a little fondue-warmer. The brain is relating to an outside reality, but what? And through what mediation?

THOMAS McEVILLEY – Another Reality