
Astrogeneris Mementos Photographic Suite

(Edition of 20)

Suite of four 8 x 10 inch digital photographs numbered and signed by the artist and Richard Garriott of Brudniak’s Astro Generis Memento’s (2008), which were the first assemblage sculptures exhibited in outer space.

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On October 12th 2008, these small sculptures were launched aboard a Soyuz TMA-13 rocket into orbit and exhibited on the International Space Station by Richard Garriott, the video game entrepreneur and explorer; effectively becoming the first assemblage sculptures exhibited in outer space. Garriott has been a collector of my work and when I heard about his upcoming trip, I approached him with the idea of taking my work along. Richard was delighted. He and his father, former shuttle astronaut Owen Garriott, donated locks of their hair to be sealed in the chambers of the piece, roughly inspired by memento mori lockets popular in the 18th and 19th centuries.