Djet Surface Studies


Djet Small Ivory Study
Faux ivory
1 x 5 inches

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Djet Large Ivory Study
Faux ivory
2 x 6 inches

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These 2 studies are examples of treatments I used to create the faux ivory in Djet and several other recent artworks. Something I keep a secret.


Djet Electro Etch Study #1
Electro etched Iron and green patina
3 x 4 inches

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Djet Electro Etch Study #2
Electro etched Iron and various patinas
4 x 5 inches

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These are both tests of the electro etch process I used to create the hieroglyphic on Djet. After adhering a water-resistant stencil, the iron is emersed in salt water inside a small dam. A positive electrode is connected to the iron and a negative placed in the water adjacent. A DC current is run through the solution which chemically removes iron material from the unprotected areas of the template to the negative electrode. The brown and green patina’s are added using various chemicals and colorants.